Thursday, May 3, 2012

Vision con't

I work on the “Team” aspect of the goal by making every accolade a team one. No one did it by themselves so there are no individual awards given. I coach them to work hard at practice and at games so that they can be on the team that stands inside our circle and lead us out with our team chant afterwards. No game balls, no trophies, or anything that can single anyone out is given at all because that creates competition. I know you are thinking that competition is good (and it is) but not when you are trying to unify a team. The individual accolades will come later on in life as they mature but they need to learn that “team work makes the dream work”. Once you are consistent with getting them to remember your core values, relaying your vision should be easier each time you talk to them. Just keep the concept simple and make it a part of each practice or game.

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