Monday, May 14, 2012


Hi Family,

I am on a fitness quest to start a movement amongst my friends and family to be more healthy. I know we all cheat and don't always do what's right in regards to nutrition but we all have to start somewhere. I am currently doing a very simple workout that can be done at work. It's helps me a lot just to stay motivated. I have some coworkers doing it with me so it makes it more fun. 

The program is pretty easy to do. I call it Team 200 because the object is to do 200 of whatever it is we are doing that day. I broke my day down into hourly segments and I do 25 push up or sit ups every hour totaling 200 per day. If I don't make it at work because of actually WORKING...LOL, then I finish at home before I got to bed.

I found a pretty neat site that helps you to build up to the 200 if your fitness level won't allow it yet. Trust me, it took me a while too.

Check it out and let me know if t was helpful. I need your input to make this more meaningful and useful for everyone. 

Have fun and click here to check out

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